What is Chinese Domain Name?
Chinese Domain Name is one of Internationalized domain names that contains Chinese characters. Chinese Domain Name complies with RFC3454. RFC3490. RFC3491. RFC3492 published in March 2003 by IETF. As one of basic Internet services, Chinese Domain Name can provide application services such as WWW, Email, FTP in Chinese operation systems.
What kind of Chinese Domain Name can be registered?
A Chinese Domain Name must contain at least one Chinese character. You may choose Chinese characters, ASCII letters (A-Z same as a-z), numbers (0-9) or hyphen (-) to compose your Chinese Domain Name. The length shall be limited within 20 characters (letters). There are ".CN", ".中国", ".公司" and ".网络" are currently available for registration. For example:
Is the registration of Chinese Domain Name available for individuals?
Currently the registration is not yet open to individuals.
What kind of Chinese Domain Names are not allowed to be registered?
1. Contents that are opposed to the basic principles formulated in the Constitution;
2. Contents that disclose the State secrets, aim to jeopardize the security of the State and overthrow the State power, and attempt to destroy the unification of the country;
3. Contents that are designed to harm the glory and interests of the State;
4. Contents that instigate national animosity, national discrimination, and destroy national unity;
5. Contents that do damage to religious policies of the State and propaganda heresy and feudal superstition;
6. Contents that disseminate rumors, disturb social order, and destroy social stability;
7. Contents that disseminate obscenity, eroticism, gambling, violence, murder, terror or induce crimes;
8. Contents that insult or calumniate other people, and infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of other people;
9. Contents that are forbidden by laws, rules and regulations.
Issues of traditional and simplified Chinese characters
1. The registration system can automatically convert and allocate the traditional and simplified forms of the registered Chinese Domain Names.
2. Registrants may also manually submit the full traditional/simplified forms of the registered names. Then the registration system will stop the automatic process.
3. One Chinese Domain Name may contain at most 3 versions: full traditional, full simplified and registrant specified (mixed) form.
4. If the registrant submits full traditional or full simplified form, then the Chinese Domain Name has at most two forms.
5. If the full traditional form is totally same with the full simplified form, then the Chinese Domain Name has only one form.
When will the registered Chinese Domain Name be available for resolution?
A registered Chinese Domain Name will be instantly recorded in the Chinese Domain Name registration database, and will be available for resolution after 24 hours.
Under what kind of circumstances the domain name's registrar can not be changed?
1. No more than 60 days after the domain name registration;
2. No more than 15 days to the domain name renewal date;
3. The domain name keeps in the state of registration charge delay;
4. The subject identification of the domain name holder is not defined or in dispute;
5. The domain name is being handled by judiciary, arbitration body and dispute resolution institution;
Can a Chinese Domain Name be corresponding to multiple IP addresses or DNS servers?
Is Chinese Domain Name registration certificate available?
CNNIC ceased to issue Domain Name Registration Certificate since Jan. 18, 2001. How can I use Chinese Domain Name without installing "Official Client-end CDN Software"? Input http://Chinese上网.cn in your IE address bar to access Chinese Domain Name interface. It may direct you to reach the website you want to visit. For instance:http://清华大学.cn
The usage of
Every registrant of ".公司" Chinese Domain Name will be presented with a Chinese Domain Name with suffix of ".公司.cn";
For registrant of ".网络" Chinese Domain Name, one Chinese Domain Name with suffix of ".网络.cn" will be presented;
When input domain names, people may also add ".cn" behind ".公司" or ".网络" to access corresponding websites